Releasing Toxic Habits

In order to accomplish my goals, I can't continue to do as I've been doing. I have to acknowledge that toxic habits are holding me back. I have to make the choice to change.

Breaking Out of Hermit Mode?

Why? Why on earth did I get up from the table? I could have sat in my little corner and said, “Good to see you” or let her take the reins of the conversation. But now, standing there with wide eyes and shaking hands, I feel myself slipping into the skin of the person I used to be (aka who I think they expect me to be), but it no longer fits.

Counting My Wins

When dealing with depression, my doctor told me to count my wins, even if it was getting out of bed, doing a load of laundry, or going outside for a few minutes. He said it all counts.

Learn to Live Again

That's part of the process of learning to live with bipolar disorder while working through trauma and grief. It's going to be messy and painful and difficult. I know there will be times I feel like I'm getting worse before I get better. But the only way out is through...

I Will Not Die Today

Right now, each day I have to tell myself, I will not die today. So, I'm telling you too: Don't die today... Today, let's decide to not give up. Let's not think about tomorrow. Today, let's decide to live.

Grief, Fear, and Transformation

I stood up, turned around, and gasped. Frozen in fear, I watched a black snake slither twelve feet in front of me... I was afraid to move or make a sound... Little did I know that moment was a foreshadowing of things to come.